Not a lot has happened in this last week, but I promised to start doing this weekly so here I am.
Something that pointed out in my head how differently I see things than most people happened when I got something amazing in the mail from Lupa. Some mammoth ivory. A beautiful bark piece, as well as some smaller core pieces. Not enough to actually make a guess at the age of the mammoth, but still... something thousands of years old and from a creature that I as a dire wolf am intrinsicly linked to.
When I first held them in my hands, I felt like I was going to explode with the energy connection. It was as if the mammoth that had laid dormant in the ivory for thousands of years, mourning it's lost world, suddenly sparked to life in shock when our energies touched and said, "Oh hey, I remember you! I recognize your species!" I showed off the mammoth ivory excitedly to everyone in my house. My fiance was excited because it was something that was potentially expensive that I now was in possession of, but she's kind of money obsessed right now since she's job hunting and very aware of a low bank account, as am I. Her mom was excited because I was excited, but didn't really understand. My best friend was excited, but more for me than because of what it was - she was excited because of what it meant to me to have the things, but when I offered her a piece she just had a "where would I put it.." reaction. My brother was excited on an energy level - but he's a kitsune otherkin and very energy conscious. I offered him a piece and he took it in awe that I would give a piece away. His reaction was nice, but still not related to the way I reacted, and I don't know what the mammoth had to say to him, if anything.
Other than that, nothing's really drawn anything into sharp relief for me this last week. There've been arguments and fights, as there always are when we in the house get low on money - it's like two neighboring wolf packs when the population of food gets low. We start nudging at each other's edges, snapping and snarling and jockeying for position that might get us some money to be able to do what we need to do first.
I'm in Anthropology class right now as I write this, waiting for the actual class to start while I write this. The only other thing that's on my mind is that I got to school early today, parked and napped in my car a bit before heading up to class. I don't usually dream when I do that - I don't fall into a deep enough sleep to dream, but today I did.
It's already fading, as dreams have a tendency to do, but what I remember is that I'd decided, for whatever reason, not to go to class today, but I didn't want my family to know. I was driving around, looking for somewhere with something cheap to eat since I'm hungry. I kept getting lost in what should've been familiar areas that just weren't familiar. I remember muttering to myself at one point that I'd turned off the car when I parked at school so I wouldn't use up the gas I just paid sixteen dollars for (for a little over 4 gallons... gas prices are crazy), and here I was driving around and using up even more than I would've if I let the car run while I was sitting at school.
At one point I see a sign that reads "six lane freeway entrance ahead," I've always been able to read in dreams. I know that alone is weird. But I remember noting that I would get on the freeway and see where I went. But it was as if I was coming up onto the freeway at it's end, and getting on going the wrong way. I swerved around cars and managed to pull off a J-turn and went back the way I came, angrily muttering that the freeway hadn't gone this way the last time I'd been on it. It was about this time that my alarm went off and I jerked awake. My right hand was asleep, my body was sluggish, it took me a damn long time to get my alarm turned off. And I was actually surprised when I realized I was still in the parking lot. I sat there for a minute and finally managed to get myself out of the car and head in to class. Though since then I've just been thinking and wondering if that dream had any meaning (other than the obvious - go to school). I mean, I never have dreams when I nap in the car. It's uncomfortable, so I don't get into a deep sleep, so I have no idea what was going on this morning that I dreamed.
But yeah, that's this last week for me. See you next week!
At one point I see a sign that reads "six lane freeway entrance ahead," I've always been able to read in dreams. I know that alone is weird. But I remember noting that I would get on the freeway and see where I went. But it was as if I was coming up onto the freeway at it's end, and getting on going the wrong way. I swerved around cars and managed to pull off a J-turn and went back the way I came, angrily muttering that the freeway hadn't gone this way the last time I'd been on it. It was about this time that my alarm went off and I jerked awake. My right hand was asleep, my body was sluggish, it took me a damn long time to get my alarm turned off. And I was actually surprised when I realized I was still in the parking lot. I sat there for a minute and finally managed to get myself out of the car and head in to class. Though since then I've just been thinking and wondering if that dream had any meaning (other than the obvious - go to school). I mean, I never have dreams when I nap in the car. It's uncomfortable, so I don't get into a deep sleep, so I have no idea what was going on this morning that I dreamed.
But yeah, that's this last week for me. See you next week!