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The Tyger's Den

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to Spring Break!

Also known as "another monday, another post". :D

My positivity has continued to pay off over the last week, both in actual money and in just... mental piece of mind. I'm happy, I'm healthy, and each day continues to be as as amazing if not more amazing than the last.

We had an incredibly powerful thunderstorm last night. The thunder woke me from a sound sleep, and I'd thought that a bomb had gone off in my dream and that had woken me up. Then, as I was trying to sleep again, the room lit up with some lightning and the thunder slammed the entire room and made the walls rattle. So that was just kind of awesome. I let myself slip into a mostly asleep "fanfiction dream," that involved random elements from World of Warcraft mixed with Doctor Who, which made something interesting that I don't really remember now.

As far as the base topic of this blog, I don't have much to report. I've settled into a calm spirituality now. I experience things on a daily basis, don't overthink them, and just generally go about what I need to, feeling spiritual when I need to.

Sometimes, though, the urge is incredibly strong, and I feel the need to "do something." I've been feeling that recently with regards to visiting a natural history museum. Oddly enough, it isn't the tar pits that are calling to me this time, it's the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. I haven't been in over a year, and they've made a lot of changes... And something in there now is calling to me. I need to go see what it is.

Beyond that, I don't know that I have much to add this week. I feel the need to get a bumper sticker for my jeep, but I'm not quite sure what to get. It doesn't help that searching "wolf" on cafepress' bumper stickers comes up mostly with Twilight references. >.< Ugh.

Anyway, we're on spring break this week, so there might be more posts. I have a couple of projects I want to take the time to get done this week, too. So here's hoping I have time for all I want to do! :D

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