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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shameless Plug

So, it’s come to my attention that some people follow my site so they’ll see when I write something new – new fanfiction, a new book, things like that. I think it’s only appropriate then that I let you all know about an amazing new opportunity from a company that’s very near and dear to my heart.

For the first time ever, WAMBTAC Communications is offering a new class, Storytelling 101! If you’re part of the majority of the population (approximately 81%, to be exact!), then you have a book bouncing around inside your head. A wonderful story! Most of your friends and family you’ve told about it think you should definitely write it. But you don’t know where to start or even what to do with it once it’s written. You don’t want a Ghostwriter to write it for you – but you know you need the skills an experienced writer has to offer if you want your book to succeed. And we all know you want your book to succeed.

In the new class, the world’s first teaching Ghostwriter will personally show you (via teleclass over seven weeks – think of it as an accelerated college level course) so many things that every author needs to know both before and during writing their own novel. You’ll find out how to create a plot from scratch (and how to turn a sequence of events into a wonderful and viable story – also, what the difference IS between a sequence-of-events and an actual story), how to find the “deal breakers” in an already mapped out plot (usually implausibilities and contrivances that will make traditional publishers put a book on the “deny” pile), and how to fix them! You’ll learn how to use point of view to advance the telling of your story to the next level, and how to minimize that annoying author intrusion (after all, the author knows the whole story, and it’s incredibly easy to let something the reader shouldn’t know yet slip into the text a tad too early and ruin the reveal you have planned for later in the text – I should know, I’ve DONE this).

Do you know the difference between passive writing and active writing? You will, by the end of the class – as well as what it can do to turn a drab novel into bestseller material. You’ll learn how to create compelling character studies (no – not just answering a bunch of questions about the character – a true character study is so much more!). And, one of my personal issues – the difference between conversation and dialogue, and how to know when each is appropriate to use in your novel. Finally, you’ll learn proper structure that will keep your novel from immediately ending up on a publisher’s reject pile, and the basics of the professional composition that the book industry requires for any book to be accepted into a traditional publishing house.

The course starts September 6th, from 4pm to 5:30 pm, PDT, on Tuesdays. And you don’t even have to leave your house! There’s no other course like this in any school on the planet, and certainly no other opportunity to learn from two professionally published authors – one of whom is the foremost authority on Ghostwriting in the world. To pay a professional Ghostwriter to do these things for your novel will cost tens of thousands of dollars – you can learn to do it yourself for less than $500.

This is the first time this class has been offered to the general public, and it won’t be the last. If you can’t make this class, but are interested, please watch this page for updates and new class times. You can write your own novel, make it shine, and get it traditionally published by big name publishing houses, and get the knowledge of how to do so from industry experts. This is an amazing opportunity for every aspiring author out there, and as an author myself, I greatly encourage anyone who’s interested to sign up and take advantage of this awesome offer.

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