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Friday, April 15, 2011

A Learning Curve - Even For The Dead...

I know this blog is being used far more than I intended for it to, but something's happened 3 times in the last 2 days, so I feel the need to document it.

As you all know, AJ passed away week before last. He's been gone a little over a week now. And he's very much still in the house, as I also mentioned in a previous post. The other cats have settled down and relaxed, the ghosts are content with his presence...

Only, AJ hasn't seemed to have gotten the hang of being non-corporeal just yet. See, in the last two days, I've had to let him OUT of the pantry three times. I don't know how he got in. I don't know if he walked through the door or the walls, or actually followed someone in. What I DO know is that after doing that, he doesn't seem able to get out.

Another issue is that he was always an incredibly quiet cat. He didn't meow unless he was VERY upset (IE, shoved in his box and into the car), and even then that was incredibly quiet. So if he's making any sounds in there, I'm not hearing them. All three times I've let him out of the pantry, it's been because I was going INTO the pantry to get something. Yesterday it was oatmeal to make oatmeal raisin cookies, and then it happened again about an hour later when I went to put the oatmeal back. This morning, he came out when I got out the other cats' can of food to give them breakfast.

I just watched him this morning. He took a few steps away from the pantry, turned his head and looked up at me, then walked another few steps and dematerialized. Which lead me to a theory - the other ghost cats seem to primarily still get around via walking/running/jumping. AJ, though, seems to move more like... Well, more like I've felt Tom moving around the house. He phases from place to place. I have no doubt that when I saw him dematerialize that he showed back up somewhere else in the house.

Which makes me think that he's ending up in the pantry without MEANING to. It's just... kind of happening. He's a little like Nightcrawler, if he couldn't quite control his BAMFing. He poofs one place, reappears another. And I don't know if he's doing it on purpose, or if he literally doesn't have the hang of being a ghost yet and hasn't figured out how to control it. Or, even, what if he IS controlling it, but once he poofs into a closed room, he is so confused he can't figure out how to poof out again?

But then, why haven't I found him in any OTHER of the closed rooms - the back porch, our bedroom, our bathroom? He only locks himself in the pantry....

Oh. Headdesk moment. The cats' dry food AND their canned food is stored in the pantry. He's going in there to look at/eat the ghost versions of food that I ALSO store in there. (Yes, I maintain spiritual cat bowls, putting "food" down the same time the food is put down for the other cats. It's only fair - but as a result, I have to visualize where I'm KEEPING the food... And I keep it in the pantry.) He's going into the pantry for the food, but as he can't get INTO it, he's just... waiting until I open the door.

Oh, wow. I can't believe I've been wondering about this all night and I just logic'd it out in text. Well, I suppose that's one use for this blog, at least.

Anyway, now that I've typed this all up, I need to go take a shower and then start my laundry. I've been putting it off and it's a level of frustration now that you cannot believe, trying to find clothes in the morning.

So here I go to shower, feeling a little more content that perhaps the learning curve of the dead isn't as steep as I was thinking it was.

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